Cheapest .com domain name registration:
- 123-reg
Read more about 123-reg registrar. - $23.39
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Cheapest .net domain name registration:
- 123-reg
Read more about 123-reg registrar. - $23.39
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Cheapest .org domain name registration:
- 123-reg
Read more about 123-reg registrar. - $23.39
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Cheapest .info domain name registration:
- 123-reg
Read more about 123-reg registrar. - $23.39
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Domain name registration guide:
Before buying and registering a domain name, first of all you will have to decide the exact purpose of your new website and try to identify the majority of your targeted audience.
Mostly we can determine two kind of online presence. There are corporation, company or some kind of other business or non-profit organization websites and there are sites that provides some kind of online service.
For a business organization or non-profit organization a website can largely help in brand building, finding new customers or partners and improving your profession by having a detailed online catalog about your organization on the Internet.
In these cases we strongly suggest that you include your organization name in the domain as your future visitors will most likely search for your name instead of your activity.
If you want to run some kind of online service, our advice is to try to register a domain name that includes the service activity in the domain instead of an imaginary name.
Users and search engines will probably find your website easier if it is and they are searching for an independent website availability status checker.
For example we chose, since in our belife it is easier for our audience to remember the domain name as they are looking for the cheapest domain name prices. Naturally, if you wish to build up a brand for the website, you should register your brand name.
When selecting the extension of your domain name, keep in mind that the most popular .com extension has a certain "strength" compared to other extensions in search engines. For those who intend to enter the international market it is certainly advisable to register an international domain name.
Domain name registration tips:
Long domain names are hard to remember and it is also difficult to advertise them. Try to think and find a short and catchy domain name that is easy to remember.
If you conduct your activity locally, it is normal that you will register a country code top-level domain name, but it is also advisable to register the generic top-level (international) version of it as well (e.g.: .com, .net, .org, .info...)
If you made up your mind to register a .net domain name and the .com version is also available, make sure to register both domains. If your website prospers in time and someone, some domainer buys the .com version, it will be much more expensive to buy it off compared to the 5 year registration price (e.g.: $50 vs $2000).
You should always check whether the domain name you wish to register may infringe some business name or trademark.
* Plus $0.20 ICANN fee
** The Cheapest Domain online price comparison service is provided for informational purposes only. Prices are listed for 1 domain registration and 1 year in length. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the prices listed on this website. Please check the price and availability at the retailers website.